

Future Of Cinema

Posted on Friday, Jul 28th 2006

IMAX is up for sale.

As home entertainment becomes increasingly more immersive, with large screen flat panel displays, or even projection systems, the movie-going audience is declining. We routinely make trade-offs such as “Is this a DVD movie, or is it truly worth going to the cinema for?”

In recent memory, films that obviously made the cut were March Of The Penguins, Memoirs Of A Geisha, Water, and Harry Potter. In contrast, Walk The Line, a fine, fine film, was just fine on DVD.

So, what then is the future of cinema at theaters?

IMAX, the extra-immersive experiential theater, is definitely worth going to the movies for. We saw a splendid film set in Egypt, chronicling a white-water rafting trip down the Nile. It looks like some studios, as well as Private Equity fund Elevation Partners, also view IMAX in a similar light.

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