As I have been having the conversations for this series, I keep asking VCs a question: which Angels do you respect? I have got many answers. One name that has kept on coming is that of Don Hutchison. So, here, I present to you, Don’s thoughts on his early-stage investment philosophy.
SM: Please describe your background, to help entrepreneurs understand your point-of-view. DH: I am a former operator, who held senior executive roles at Netcom, @home (later excite@home) and other tech and internet companies. I often made strategic investments for those companies as well.
I have an enduring personal interest in building/helping to build teams and businesses which has led naturally to my focus as an angel investor and business advisor. While personally stretched in my ability to make new investments by current commitments I continue to view the early stage investing opportunity as attractive despite evident risks.
SM: What stage are you looking to invest in over the next 6-12 months?
DH: I generally invest early in a company’s development, usually well before a venture raise.
SM: What segment(s)? DH: I like several spaces including: b to b service &
product plays; plays that blend the best of established media with new mediums; and creative efforts to address ‘tragedy of the commons’ circumstances with profitable, sustainable solutions.
SM: What market dynamics do you look for? DH: Markets in transition.
Movement provides exceptional opportunities.
SM: What size of investment are you looking to make? DH: Runs the gamut from $25k to $500k, but generally I’ll provide less money and more advisory support while likely attracting others to the deal as well.
This segment is part 1 in the series : Investment Thesis: Don Hutchison
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