

Enterprise 3.0 Collaboration: eProject (Part 4)

Posted on Monday, Mar 19th 2007

[Part 3]

In the final segment, we discuss the Extended Enterprise, and the SME growth market trends. Alignment with such trends and getting the timing right always becomes important in growing a company fast.

SM: What % of your business targets Enterprise versus SME customers? What is your perspective on the Extended Enterprise trend?
JP: We are focused on the mid-market, generally organizations with between $75M and $1B in revenue, and on the enterprise segment where organizations have more than $1B in revenue. Smaller companies can benefit from our technology and do, but the sweet spot today remains for those that have sufficiently complex organizations with multiple locations (frequently global).

eProject views the “extended enterprise” as an area where we can provide value and help facilitate this emerging trend. As companies increasingly become global and communication and collaboration both inside and outside the organization becomes more integrated, a tool like PPM6 can be tremendously beneficial. In many ways, eProject’ technology fits directly into the needs of the future workforce, and we’re very focused on evolving our solutions as these trends continue.

Think of these two examples of business processes where eProject is often deployed: IT Operations and New Product Development. In the case of IT, the organization is tasked with driving business performance through better use of technology. This drives a cascade of activities from networking and maintenance, to new custom application development, and even new transaction and delivery models that are customer facing. Some of these tasks and initiatives are performed by employees, but increasingly, there are outside collaborators or contractors such as contract programmers in India or China or Eastern Europe. Similarly, in the example of a new product development process, there are many employees involved from functional teams like marketing, R&D, design, engineering, finance, supply chain management, etc. But there are often external collaborators responsible for certain deliverables or research. Each of these illustrates the need to provide tools for business people that go beyond personal productivity. They need to be able to cross time zones, languages, and geographic barriers in their quest for a team result.

SM: Are you looking to raise another round of funding? Timeframe?
JP: We expect to raise a significant round of financing by the end of Q207.

SM: Well, Jeff, it looks to me like this funding round should be a breeze for you 🙂

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Product Review

This segment is part 4 in the series : Enterprise 3.0 Collaboration: eProject
1 2 3 4

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