For those of you following my Newspaper industry coverage, here’s an interesting set of statistics:
Brand or Channel, Monhtly Unique Audience (000), Monthly Web Page Views (000), Time per Person (hh:mm:ss) (February numbers)
* 12,960 — 455,527 — 0:37:09 (NYTC)
* 9,050 — 169,517 — 0:22:08 (Gannett)
* 8,030 — 154,836 — 0:20:28 (The Washinton Post Company)
* LA Times: 4,546 — 50,986 — 0:12:08 (Tribune)
* Wall Street Journal Online: 3,436 — 42,067 — 0:15:50 (Dow Jones)
* The Houston Chronicle: 3,292 — 93,737 — 0:20:44
* 3,236 — 51,617 — 0:14:56 (San Francisco Chronicle)
* 3,197 — 57,154 — 0:20:56 (NYTC)
* Chicago Tribune: 2,973 — 45,283 — 0:13:44 (Tribune)
* New York Post: 2,684 — 31,335 — 0:09:01
* Daily News Online Edition: 2,555 — 9,754 — 0:05:04
* Chicago Sun-Times: 2,142 — 14,804 — 0:08:13
* Orlando Sentinel: 2,049 — 16,914 — 0:06:21
* Newsday: 2,047 — 20,336 — 0:05:13
* 1,950 — 9,577 — 0:04:42
The numbers help put things in perspective, as to why the industry, while in turmoil, should not die.