A friend and advisor of our company, Sean Wise just published a new book… “Wise Words – Lessons in Entrepreneurship & Venture Capital.”
You can download or buy the printed book [here]
I have known Sean for many years and used his counsel on many occasions. He has been successful on both sides of the entrepreneur (5 startups) and VC equation, has practiced corporate law, advises most of Canada’s VC firms, and most importantly to this audience – has run 75 bootcamps in Canada to train enterpreneurs in how to develop business plans, pitch and work with investors. Over 2500 founders have been through Sean’s program and collectively raised over $890 million in venture capital – quite a track record. He is an entertaining speaker, writes a regular column for the national Globe & Mail and publishes a popular blog [here]. Most recently, Sean has been working on the second season of the hit realty TV show in Canada, called “The Dragons Den”… where entrepreneurs pitch 5 multi-millionairs on live TV, for the startup capital they need.
Sean has dedicated his professional career to helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. To quote one of his Canadian fans, John Pinsent, former Director with Ernst & Young LLP – “Sean is the guru of entrepreneurship in Canada. What Al Gore is to the environment, Sean is to entrepreneurism”. Can it get any better than that? Read the book.