Om discusses his vision for the company.
SM: When you look at the scaling of the company, what is your vision? Where do you want to take it? OM: I want Giga Omnimedia to be a proper publishing company. Just like companies publish magazines and newspapers, we publish a web / blog hybrid. Just think of it as another publishing company. We are going to take advantage of Moore’s law and do things cheaper, faster and better. There is no rocket science.
SM: So you are thinking of a series of websites? OM: Right. We are up to four now, and there will be two more before the end of the year. From there it should be one every two months.
SM: What kind of traffic do these sites get? OM: We are doing 100K – 200K on some of the smaller sites, the newer sites are still growing. They are all growing at a fairly rapid clip. They are growing about 20% a month. I don’t look at the spikes, I look at the baseline which shows anywhere from 10% to 20% growth. A lot of it has to do with the Market being back. Technology is back.
Another thing is we are creating value added, high quality content not just pointing links or random stories. The focus is clearly on quality not on quantity. That message seems to resonate very well with our demographic. They don’t want to read too many things on a daily basis, they just want to read important things. We try to respect their time.
SM: I don’t think people have time to read more than 3 or 4 pieces a day. OM: If we do four good pieces, I think that is really solid. Anything more than that is a stretch.
SM: Your total network traffic is approaching 2 million? OM: Close to it.
SM: The vision of the company is you are going to build a mini Time Warner with a collection of websites? OM: I won’t be that arrogant.
SM: It is the same business model though, correct? OM: Yes, but I think it is a whole brand new opportunity.
[Part 9]
[Part 8]
[Part 7]
[Part 6]
[Part 5]
[Part 4]
[Part 3]
[Part 2]
[Part 1]
This segment is part 10 in the series : Om Malik: Pioneering Blogs
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