I wrote a framework piece defining next generation Enterprise software, and wrote a number of derivative pieces on the subject about specific companies. Just like we added to the Web 3.0 framework last week, this week we need to add to the Enterprise 3.0 framework as well. But first, here’s the recap.
Definition: Enterprise 3.0 = (Saas + EE)
Analysis of Public Companies based upon the Enterprise 3.0 framework:
* IBM’s Entry into Social Networking
* Design Collaboration in the Extended Enterprise
* Cisco Acquires Webex, Beefs Collaboration
* Salesforce.com Steps into the Main Arena
* Google enters Enterprise 3.0 Collaboration
* SaaS: Omniture and the Extended Enterprise
* Concur Set to Conquer Enterprise Travel
* SaaS: Rightnow and the Extended Enterprise
* Taleo and the Extended Enterprise
* Citrix: Acquisition Target for SAP, Oracle
* SAP and Enterprise 3.0
* Oracle and Enterprise 3.0
* Citrix’s Collaboration Business Offers Strategic Options
* Google’s Enterprise 3.0 Strategy
* Concur’s SME Opportunity
Some Smaller Companies, and how they are leveraging Enterprise 3.0:
* Rearden Commerce : Contextual Services
* Trampoline : Expertise Location
* eProject : Enterprise 3.0 Collaboration
Interviews with a couple of CEOs who have built or are building successful Enterprise 3.0 companies:
* Concur CEO Steve Singh
* Taking on Business Intelligence: Lucidera CEO Ken Rudin
I anchored an event on Enterprise 3.0 for the MIT Club of Northern California’s entrepreneurship program, which some of you attended. There, we discussed entrepreneurship opportunities within Enterprise 3.0. Here are the nuggets.
* Enterprise 3.0 Event: Nuggets
We are going to add a variable to the framework based on some of what we have discussed above. Any guesses what that is?