I have recently signed up to be part of a vertical ad network to be launched in a few weeks by a major business media company.
The network is accepting additional blogs and will be using their sales force and advertiser relationships to sell ads on bloggers’ sites that are chosen to be part of the program. They are setting CPM expectations between $10-$20 to begin with, and expect to drive traffic to the blogs through their promotion efforts. The base revenue share is 60:40, with 40% of the revenues going to the bloggers. They have additional incentives that bump up the rev share %. They also have opportunities for serious bloggers with high quality content to get additional channels for traffic building.
If any of my blogger readers are interested in being considered to be a part of this network, pls email me, and I will make the necessary introductions.
My writings on Vertical Ad Networks are here for additional reference:
* Vertical Ad Networks: A Trend to Watch for 2008
* Monetizing Blogs via Ad Networks [Don’t expect these numbers out of the gate … it would take time to build up momentum.]
To summarize, if you are building a blog that you want to make sustainable and high-impact, you need to align with a strong vertical ad network that can help you build traffic momentum, as well as sell ads on your site to an advertiser base with strong CPM numbers (and via other kinds of sponsorship deals).
My hypothesis is that this network has the best shot at getting there for the business vertical. We shall see if they deliver!