Dominique Trempont has been CEO and Board Member at a series of companies. In 1993, he was recruited by Steve Jobs to turnaround NeXT as CFO. He sold NeXT to Apple in 1997 for $462M. In 1997, Dominique became the CEO of Gemplus Corp., the software application and mobile telephony company of Gemplus, world leader in smart cards. In 1999, he became CEO of Kanisa, a knowledge management software company, which has since merged with Knova. Dominique has been on the boards of Verity (NASDAQ: VRTY), leader in enterprise search, & Signio, a mobile payment platform, as a founding investor. Signio was sold to Verisign for $700M. He is currently on the board of Finisar (NASDAQ: FNSR), 3COM (NASDAQ: COMS), Energy Recovery (NASDAQ: ERII) the advisory board of the INSEAD Business School (France), and works with several early-stage entrepreneurial ventures including ZillionTV. Dominique has an MBA from INSEAD, a BA from the University of Louvain, Belgium, and spent the first fourteen years of his career at Raychem, world leader in Material Sciences.