

“No You Didn’t!” A Manager Advises People How to Keep Their Jobs

Posted on Sunday, Jan 25th 2009

By guest author Richard Laermer

You’re doomed and so am I.  We are all reeling. The money just is not coming in like it used to. Damn.
These are the times when you got to stop whining and do something. And I’m sorry to say you are going to have to change habits—that’s the good news. The bad is it may hurt.
I, like you, am shredding expenses left and right during the near-post-Bush FAIL economy. Everything goes. If you don’t want to be on your boss’s list, here are some thoughts from someone who knows what “standing out” in the workplace means.
Click on something else if you will but I’m not kidding about this list. Put it on your fridge at home, then. Thank me later (see footnote).

1. Learn how to manage up. [Do you know what that means? If not think about it: Do what you would do with so-called underlings and figure out how to make your manager’s job easier by helping them help you. Get the tools from them—and deadlines explained, etc.—so you can be the best at your job without making problems for someone else. Tell people whom you work for what you need to do your job the best you can. This is not time to state: “I don’t know!” You can find out. If it meant a Martini, you know you would.

2. Do you need anything now? I doubt it. People at my office—I run a 15-person agency—know better than to ask for things during this tough time. Do without. Stop wanting so much until the bad times pass (2009?) Your boss is.

3. Show up a little early. I mean—wait, let me rephrase that: Show up a LOT early. Not to show off, but to get more done.

4. Can you dress? It sounds snobby but wearing your Sunday Best, even in a rock & roll workplace, goes a long way. Get a mirror. It’s deductible (

5. Stop with the donuts; don’t bring fatty foods that are meant to make people smile. No one cares for that crap anymore. What colleagues around you want: support and some help. Go “at-a-boy” to everyone. Even those who are not working for you!

6. Finally, the one piece of advice that makes most people shake a head, sigh, or roll eyes. Come to work prepared. There’s nothing like the one who does some homework and learns something before he shows up. Each day…that is, go out and find out a little bit more than just what the client or your boss told you. That’s why Barnes & Noble was invented. And the coffee is fine.

7. Did I say that was it? No, there’s always a TV movie soon after the “finale.” I got one more!  Remember to smile. I mean that. Everyone is out there crap-crapping all over what is felt to be the worst of times. If you are the one with the attitude that says “I got no attitude, I’m so glad to be here,” guess who is the winner?


I’m the guy behind “2011: Trendspotting” (buy it at today). Twitter: @laermer

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