Here’s a review of Sramana Mitra’s Positioning: How To Test, Validate, and Bring Your Idea To Market by Kevin Clancy in The Copernicus MZine:
“Positioning is Volume 3 in Entrepreneur Journeys, a series of monographs that transcribe the author’s interviews with entrepreneurs to discover new ways to make high-technology businesses more successful. The book includes about 20 interviews and in each case, we learn something about positioning and new product introductions.
This fast-paced book opens with a peek at some companies that have made solid progress building real businesses that validate the vertical movement of the web, a.k.a., the “verticalization thesis.” We found the author’s discussion of TheFind, a vertical product search-engine company in Mountain View, CA, focused on the fashion and lifestyle segment, particularly intriguing.
We felt like we were sitting in on a series of intimate conversations with people who have done it, telling others how to do it. We highly recommend to anyone contemplating starting a new business.”
And the book launch in India of Sramana Mitra’s Bootstrapping: Doing More With Less, the first ever in that country through telepresence, was covered by India Today here.
Positioning: How To Test, Validate, and Bring Your Idea To Market by Sramana Mitra, as well as Entrepreneur Journeys and Bootstrapping, Weapon Of Mass Reconstruction, are all available from in paperback and Kindle, and from in all e-book formats. Bootstrapping and Entrepreneur Journeys, published by Hachette India, are for sale in bookstores in India.
This segment is a part in the series : Entrepreneur Journeys Book Review