

Entrepreneur Journeys Book Review: We Need To Innovate Our Way Out

Posted on Monday, Aug 16th 2010

From Alan Brochstein’s review of Innovation: Need Of The Hour (Entrepreneur Journeys, Volume 4) by Sramana Mitra for his AB Analytical Services blog:

“Don’t worry if you haven’t read any of the three previous volumes, as this latest in the series is a great read in and of itself. Author Sramana Mitra, a veteran of the VC industry and the world of entrepreneurship, once again lets her subjects tell their great stories. In Innovation: Need Of The Hour, Mitra structures the interviews around the central thesis that we have a societal need to innovate our way out of the challenges we face today. She digs deep into the past as well as finding more recent examples of the type of creativity that we can only hope will not be stifled by regulation and taxation. This volume too left me hopeful that we as a society can rise to meet the challenges of the big problems with energy, the environment, healthcare, etc. Hopefully, risk-taking will not be a victim of the Great Recession and Mitra can describe in one of her future works what great companies arose from the ashes.”

You can read his entire review here.

And here is a review of Sramana Mitra’s Entrepreneur Journeys, Volume 1 posted on

Entrepreneur Journeys, Volume 1 is an aspiring entrepreneur’s one stop shop for all his queries… especially if you are a newbie (like me), this should be your first step. Sramana Mitra’s lucid yet assertive diction enthralls you and leaves you gasping for more. Her technical prowess and keen sense of business acumen is evident in this book. It makes you dwell upon it, hours after every reading session. I found the second story particularly engaging. All the stories are weaved to perfection and have a seamless link that makes the book stand out and have a lasting impact on you. To put it in a nutshell, this book gave me the much needed head start to plunge into ‘MY’ journey of entrepreneurship.”

Sramana Mitra’s Entrepreneur Journeys, Bootstrapping: Weapon Of Mass Reconstruction, Positioning: How To Test, Validate, and Bring Your Idea To Market and Innovation: Need Of The Hour are all available from Amazon.comEntrepreneur Journeys and Bootstrapping, published by Hachette India, are for sale in bookstores in India.

This segment is a part in the series : Entrepreneur Journeys Book Review

. A Need For Freedom
. "Bootstrapping" In Tune With The Times
. Mentor Capital, Not Venture Capital
. Getting Started
. Finding Niches Within Niches
. Starting Small, Making It Big
. Focus On The Customer
. Find The Value That's Missing
. Value Creators vs. Speculators
. "If at first you don't find funding..."
. Buck The Trend, Back Yourself
. Win Free E-Book Copy of "Entrepreneur Journeys, Volume Three"
. "We twist and turn the ideas and make them our own."
. Bootstrapping In The UK
. "Iron out the wrinkles on your entrepreneurship canvas"
. Positioning & Bootstrapping for Entrepreneurs
. Do You REALLY Have What It Takes?
. Clarify Your Story
. Bound To Lift Drooping Spirits
. Converting Experiences Into Roadmaps
. VentureWoods Reviews "Entrepreneur Journeys"
. Bootstrapping Is The Order Of The Day!
. Dorm Room View of Bootstrapping
. Discussing Entrepreneurship and Positioning
. Forget Venture Capital, Raise Mental Capital
. "Men can do what men have done."
. Entrepreneur Journeys Vol. 3 Kicks SaaS
. Learning Directly From The Masters
. Best Book I Have Read in 2009
. Niches Abound Within Niches
. A Peek At Businesses That Validate The Vertical Movement Of The Web
. Favorites From 2009
. For Entrepreneurs And More
. Trendwatchers Will Not Be Disappointed
. Power Lies Within Oneself
. A Peek At The Way The Minds Of Great Entrepreneurs Work
. If You've The Will, You Will Make The Way
. Bootstrapping Is Good!
. Zest For Creation
. Very Pertinent To The Current Economy
. We Need To Innovate Our Way Out
. Seeking Justice For Entrepreneurs
. Push Of Encouragement To Set You On The Path To Success
. Filled With Terrific And Hard-Won Insight
. Bootstrapping Can Be Successful

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