Hiro: I think this concept of empowerment is a really good point. I have not been here so long, but I think that now we are moving toward a more collaborate management style. It’s something that I’ve noticed quite a bit. The leadership takes input, and then they encourage people and try to build consensus. This one of the things that I have noticed even in the short time that I’ve been here. The hierarchy of the past is being eroded now.
Tony: It’s also part of a larger macro force if you are moving from a hierarchical structure to a flatter collaborative structure, partly because the world is becoming flatter.
That was also what I wanted to delve into regarding the skills that will be needed by your leadership team. It sounds as though your entire organization is moving toward a model where people are expected to be more collaborative as opposed operating under a command and control approach.
Naresh: Right, this is not command and control. Yes, the leaders are going to set high-level broad direction, and they have to make sure that the organization’s values are taken care of in a trustworthy and appropriate manner, and that people play fair in the same sandbox at the playground.
At the same time, you have to respect differences. Once again, being a Texan, being aggressive doesn’t bother me, but for some . . .
Tony: I never thought of Texans as being that aggressive.
Naresh: Well . . .
Tony: Nicely aggressive. [Laughter.]
Naresh: What I mean is I have to sometimes watch folks who other people perceive to be aggressive, to understand why are they doing it. There’s the thoughtfulness that counts. I think that’s a component that the new management here brings in as well. Yes, strategically we know where we’re gong, we want people to interact, and you know when people interact there will be conflicts.
Tony: It’s been a great pleasure to meet you both of you.
Naresh: You, too.
This segment is part 8 in the series : Outsourcing: Naresh Lakhanpal And Hiro Notaney Of Patni Computer Systems
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