We are engaging with a lot of incubators, and I want to address you specifically, as we consider incubators around the world to be a very important set of partners for us.
One Million by One Million, as you know, is a global initiative that aims to nurture a million entrepreneurs reach a million dollars each in annual revenue and beyond by 2020, thereby creating a trillion dollars in global GDP and ten million jobs. We want to achieve this WITH you.
1M/1M offers a case-study-based online educational program, video lectures and methodology, online strategy consulting at public and private online roundtables, as well as introductions to customers, channel partners and investors. The public roundtable is a free program accessible from anywhere in the world. The rest of the services are for our paying members only. The premium program has a $1000 annual membership fee. We have very deep roots in Silicon Valley, and work in a supplemental mode with entrepreneurship development programs around the world, providing them with a strong and steady link with Silicon Valley. 1M/1M is a 100% virtual program aimed to supplement your efforts.
In collaboration with incubators, we are bringing this program to entrepreneurs around the world. Starting in June, we invite incubators to partner with us on our free weekly strategy roundtables and promote them to your entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs can attend the roundtables from their homes or work environments, or if the incubator so desires, they can host in-person ‘meetups’ around the roundtables. We encourage entrepreneurs to both listen to and participate in the roundtables, as well as pitch their businesses. The June roundtable roster and registration details are as follows:
Thursday, June 2, 2011, 8 a.m. PDT, Register Here.
Thursday, June 9, 2011, 8 a.m. PDT, Register Here.
Thursday, June 16, 2011, 8 a.m. PDT, Register Here.
Thursday, June 23, 2011, 8 a.m. PDT, Register Here.
Thursday, June 30, 2011, 8 a.m. PDT, Register Here.
You can listen to recordings and read the recaps of previous roundtables here. More information can be found at https://1m1m.sramanamitra.com/free-public-roundtables/
1M/1M also has recently announced an affiliate program through which we offer our partners a financial incentive to incorporate us into their workflow. We would be delighted to have your incubator become our affiliates as well.
I sincerely look forward to welcoming you as partners to the 1M/1M program. If you have any questions, we can certainly use this blog to discuss and address. Your feedback, ideas, comments, questions are always welcome.
This segment is a part in the series : 1M/1M