

MBA vs. 1M/1M, Let’s Do The Math

Posted on Saturday, Aug 13th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

I recently read a book by Philip Delves Broughton called Ahead of the Curve – Two Years at Harvard Business School.

The book is about Philip’s firsthand experience at HBS during 2004-2006. The book is so sarcastic that, reportedly, it made Harvard very unhappy.

I enjoyed the book, but it also made me wonder if getting an MBA is worth the investment.

Philip left a job as a Paris correspondent for The Daily Telegraph (UK) to get his Harvard MBA in 2004. At the time he had a wife and a small son and his second son was born while he was at HBS. His school-related debt for the two years at HBS amounted to over $170,000.

When he graduated, Philip couldn’t get a job related to business. He writes for The Financial Times now. So, he went from being a writer to being … a writer. I am not sure that is what he had in mind when he applied to HBS.

In the book, among other things, Philip tells a story how he and his buddy started a media business while at HBS, how it didn’t go anywhere, and how the HBS entrepreneurship professor wasn’t of much help.

I don’t know if Philip still pursues entrepreneurship. If he does, I think he could appreciate our 1M/1M Premium Program.

After all, one year in 1M/1M  costs $1,000. One year at HBS cost Philip $85,000.

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