

How To Become An Agent Of Change In Your Region

Posted on Sunday, Aug 21st 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

MAD Incubator is a government supported business incubator in Malaysia. MAD is one of 1M/1M strategic partners in Asia. Andrew Wong, managing director of MAD, reached out to 1M/1M, after he read Sramana’s Entrepreneur Journeys book series.

After grasping what 1M/1M could do for his region, Andrew rallied his local ecosystem from government officials to VCs, and together they are working on sponsoring a group of entrepreneurs to go through the 1M/1M program starting this fall.

Could you think of where you can plug 1M/1M in your region? At your state level? Your city level? Think of all nongovernmental organizations that focus on entrepreneurship in your region. Could you introduce 1M/1M there?

Think of all the investor groups in your region. The investors, as a group, could really take advantage of 1M/1M. They would get much higher returns on their investments, if the entrepreneurs that they want to invest in, go through the 1M/1M program first.

What’s more, 1M/1M can bring in Silicon Valley co-investors, if warranted. Those are outside investor dollars that your region could appreciate.

1M/1M is designed to work seamlessly with anyone in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. We have the 1M/1M Affiliate Program  in place that allows us to have workable relationship with any organization, fast.

But if you have a special proposal on how you’d like to work with 1M/1M, please send it to us and we’ll try to accommodate it.

The key is to do something, anything. Be an agent of change in your region. Execute, do something, like Andrew Wong has done in Malaysia.

Note: The 1M/1M team has invested significant resources to engage with and understand the challenges of the incubator industry around the globe. You can sign up for our opt-in mailing list to get this information via email on an ongoing basis.

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