

How To Get FREE Feedback On Your Business Strategy

Posted on Saturday, Aug 27th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

Working on a business? Have you pitched it at the 1M/1M Free Strategy Roundtable yet?

It’s a great way to get some early feedback on your business from a Silicon Valley veteran like Sramana Mitra. This kind of expert feedback is not easy to obtain even if you can afford to fly to California.

Although Silicon Valley is full of startup experts, most will not talk to you unless you are vetted by someone they trust and your business has some serious investment potential. (BTW: At 1M/1M we are not obsessed by VC funding. We focus on generating revenues, and we try to use non-diluting financing strategies whenever possible, which is in 99% of cases.)

So, if you want to get feedback on your business from a Silicon Valley veteran, register here.

Once a week, about five entrepreneurs discuss with Sramana their businesses for about 15 minutes. At the end, anyone in the audience get a chance to ask their own questions, otherwise everyone is listening and learning.

If you sign up to pitch, be sure to prepare thoroughly and ask Sramana your most pressing questions.

As for me, I have rarely missed a session since I discovered Sramana’s blog in August 2009. It’s real-life learning that has practical applications. Check it out.

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