

How Not To Get Rejected By Business Accelerators

Posted on Tuesday, Sep 6th 2011

Did you know that 99% of the entrepreneurs who apply to Y Combinator or any other hot business accelerator are rejected? I am saying this in case you are thinking of applying.

Let’s face it, rejections hurt.

But if you want to get into your favorite business accelerator, we can help. Join the 1M/1M Program today, and let’s take one step a day toward that specific goal.

At 1M/1M we accept entrepreneurs as they come, warts and all. (You would never hear an investor say that.)

With us, you don’t have to prove your investment potential. In fact, you don’t have to prove anything. At this point, the best assets you could bring to the table are your work ethic and endurance.

Unlike investors, we don’t ask for your pitch. If your idea is somewhat foggy at this point, that’s okay, too.

Join today and work on your business every day from your home by using the 1M/1M framework and support. If you do that for a few months, you’d be well ahead of thousands of hapless entrepreneurs applying to Y Combinator and TechStars every year and getting rejected.

How’s that for a deal?

Note: If you are considering becoming a 1M/1M premium member and would like to join our mailing list to receive ongoing information, please sign up here:

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