

1M/1M Pilot: Test Quickly, Scale Rapidly

Posted on Monday, Sep 19th 2011

At the 1M/1M Premium Program, we believe in pilots. We believe in quick testing to make sure that our assumptions are correct, and then we scale rapidly.

All of our current 1M/1M premium entrepreneurs tell us that they are making greater progress with 1M/1M than if they would on their own.

Are you running an incubator or any other organization that supports entrepreneurs in your region? It can be any place worldwide.

Our assumption is that the 1M/1M Premium Program, could help your entrepreneurs to arrive to their first million in revenues much faster and with greater efficiency.

Your organization will still provide all the local support and mentorship. We will work together, in synergy, maximizing  all the resource available here, at 1M/1M, and, at your organization, locally, to help your entrepreneurs to succeed my much faster.

But how can we know for sure that 1M/1M can help your entrepreneurs to do that? Let’s do a pilot!

If you never heard about 1M/1M, please study it here to get a fairly comprehensive picture about 1M/1M and its benefits for entrepreneurs. Please also review the 1M/1M FAQs.

After that, please help at least 50 entrepreneurs who are in and around your incubator to understand 1M/1M program.

A good start would be introducing your entrepreneurs to the 1M/1M Self-Assessment tool and pointing them to the 1M/1M Free Strategy Roundtables.

Then, let’s say out of those 50, only five decide that they are ready and able to join a fantastic group of entrepreneurs who are already in the program.

If those five advance significantly in the following three months, just like the rest of 1M/1M entrepreneurs have done, that would be deemed a successful pilot.

After that, we scale rapidly. In time, we could have more than 50 entrepreneurs from your region advancing their businesses via 1M/1M and thanking your organization for connecting the dots for them.

Note: The 1M/1M team has invested significant resources to engage with and understand the challenges of the incubator industry around the globe. You can sign up for our opt-in mailing list to get this information via email on an ongoing basis.

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