

Not Getting Traction With Angels? Reach Them Through 1M/1M

Posted on Friday, Sep 23rd 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

Not every business fits the angel financing model. Angels are looking for businesses that can scale rapidly to at least $30 million in revenue so that they can get the five- to tenfold return on their money.

We often find entrepreneurs who cannot articulate how to get to this basic investment thesis in a way angel investors want to see it.

Some angels operate like VCs. They are interested in whale hunting, meaning they chase the large opportunities. So, it could be that you are telling the wrong story to the wrong investor.

If you are in this situation and are being constantly rejected by angels, please sign up for the 1M/1M Program as soon as possible.

We not only help you fill the gaps in your pitch, we also open many more doors for you to angel investors who trust our judgment and would engage with you because you come as a 1M/1M branded entrepreneur.

We help you position your business in a way angels like. Then we make introductions using the 1M/1M channels. Once you get term sheets, we help to negotiate the best terms.

So, join 1M/1M now and you’ll short-circuit months of bouncing around from door to door.

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