

FAQ: Why Can’t I Pay For 1M/1M As A Monthly Subscription?

Posted on Thursday, Sep 29th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

Here is why. The $1,000 annual fee is really about commitment. What we are saying is we are committed to supporting you and your business development for the entire year.

Are you committed to working with us for at least a year?

You see, we simply don’t have the resources to support anyone who would try for a few months and quit, which is what a monthly subscription encourages. Also, we don’t want to introduce you to our network without knowing that you are really serious.

We need your entire full-year commitment, or nothing.

If you are committed already, join here and I’ll see you at the next private roundtable brainstorming your business strategy with Sramana. I love those private roundtables for the 1M/1M premium members. They are intense, in-depth strategy sessions.

We want to invest that kind of energy only on serious, committed entrepreneurs.

Note: If you are considering becoming a 1M/1M premium member and would like to join our mailing list to receive ongoing information, please sign up here:

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This segment is a part in the series : FAQ

. Can I Get One-on-One Meetings With Sramana As Part Of 1M/1M?
. Why Can’t I Pay For 1M/1M As A Monthly Subscription?

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