By guest author Irina Patterson
Are you an entrepreneur? Are you considering joining 1M/1M? If so, STOP considering. This week I want you to ACT and if you DO, I’ll be standing by to help you in any way I can.
When you are an entrepreneur, every hour counts. You need to focus on generating your revenue, revenue, revenue. Nothing else is more important. Every hour you delay your revenue growth, it works against you. So, here is what I propose we’ll do:
1) Join 1M/1M today. If you still have any concerns, please email me at It’s urgent.
2) Once you are a 1M/1M Member, go straight to Self-Assessment and finish it by the end of this week, including the curriculum modules.
3) Once you are done with the Self-Assessment, schedule your 1M/1M private roundtable session ASAP to brainstorm with Sramana your revenue growth strategy.
4) Start executing on it, one step a day, like every other 1M/1M entrepreneur does. It is easier if you take one step a day under Sramana’s tight guidance. Keep one focus: revenue. Nothing else matters as much.
Please, don’t waste another day. Do it. I’ll be here if you need my assistance with the signing up.
Otherwise, I’ll see you at your first strategy session as a new 1M/1M Premium Member!
Note: Still not ready? OK, you can sign up for 1M/1M mailing list here. But remember, every hour counts.
This segment is a part in the series : Entrepreneur