By guest author Irina Patterson
Andrew Wong, Malaysian National Incubator Network Association president and MAD Incubator CEO, is one of many 1M/1M affiliates.
For Andrew, 1M/1M is a tool to groom the entire pool of entrepreneurs in Malaysia.
He plans to invest additional regional resources in those entrepreneurs who excel at 1M/1M.
To expedite the process, Andrew is working with 1M/1M to subscribe all of his entrepreneur contacts to the 1M/1M email newsletter so that they can start learning every week.
It is very difficult to build a critical mass of serious, competent entrepreneurs in a country like Malaysia, or in any country or region for that matter. At 1M/1M, we have figured out ways to do so by working in tandem with local incubators, one entrepreneur at a time.
Think about your own region. Would you like to subscribe your entrepreneurs to the 1M/1M email newsletter and put your nurturing of them on autopilot?
Can 1M/1M help you to validate your entrepreneurs, so that you could invest your own resources in those who are most promising?
Please write to me at if you would like to discuss our simple methodology of adding entrepreneurs to 1M/1M mailing list.
You can also call me at 786-301-2456 or Skype me at irina_patterson to discuss.
Note: The 1M/1M team has invested significant resources to engage with and understand the challenges of the incubator industry around the globe. You can sign up for our opt-in mailing list to get this information via email on an ongoing basis.
This segment is a part in the series : Incubators