

Incubators: Practice Makes Pitches Perfect

Posted on Wednesday, Oct 26th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

Selling to potential co-founders, customers, investors, and partners is the number one skill that entrepreneurs need to master.

Entrepreneurs should use every opportunity to practice their pitch. And not in front of a mirror, but by arguing their case intelligently, with a strong opponent that could poke gaping holes in their proposition.

Please advise your entrepreneurs to pitch at the 1M/1M Free Public Roundtables. They will pitch to Sramana Mitra, a Silicon Valley veteran who doesn’t sugar-coat her feedback. That is exactly what every entrepreneur needs.

Where else can your entrepreneurs face and defend their ideas in front of a Silicon Valley pro any given week at no traveling expense and no charge whatsoever?

Point your entrepreneurs to this opportunity. It’s available. Every week. Thursday. It’s free.

Note: The 1M/1M team has invested significant resources to engage with and understand the challenges of the incubator industry around the globe. You can sign up for our opt-in mailing list to get this information via email on an ongoing basis.

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This segment is a part in the series : Incubators

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