

Incubators: What Does It Cost To Bring An Entrepreneur To Profitability?

Posted on Wednesday, Nov 2nd 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

For-profit or non-profit, you must maximize your resources. Capital. Human resources. Time.

The longer it takes for you to mentor an entrepreneur to profitability, the more expensive that becomes. Long development cycles also have an impact on entrepreneurs’ survival because they are really strapped for resources. Drag them out too long, and they will go out of business.

One of the best ways to do things faster and cheaper is by piggybacking on someone else’s resources, or to supplement your own resources with those from good partners.

Look around. Whose resources could you use to help your entrepreneurs become profitable faster?

Would you like to brainstorm on that? I bet we could discover a wealth of not-so-obvious resources that are already available. Call me at 786-301-2456 or Skype me at irina_patterson

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This segment is a part in the series : Incubators

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