By guest author Irina Patterson
We often hear from entrepreneurs, “As soon as I validate my business, I’ll join 1M/1M.” That’s flawed thinking. Let me explain why.
Very often we find people doing the wrong things in the wrong order, and by the time they come to us they are desperate and they panic.
Examples: The positioning may be wrong, in which case we would need you to redo that. With the wrong positioning, you’d either get a false positive or a false negative, and we’d rather you do not waste three to six months marching down that path.
In entrepreneurship, you have to do things in the right sequence. If you do things wrong or even the right things but in the wrong order, by the time you come to us, we would have to rewind that process and put it back right. We have no choice. And that would waste more time.
We would prefer that you don’t waste six month of your precious time and follow the 1M/1M methodology right from the get-go. If particular, join before you write a single line of code. That way, you won’t waste $15,000–$50,000 on building the wrong product, something else we often encounter.
In short, the earlier you join 1M/1M the better. In fact, do yourself a favor and join now.
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