

How To Copy The Strategies Of Top Entrepreneurs

Posted on Wednesday, Nov 30th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

It’s easier to copy the wheel than to reinvent it. Modify a bit. Make it fit your particular situation. Learn from the mistakes of others – your own mistakes are always much more expensive.

But how would you get top entrepreneurs to share their survival stories? No sweat. Ms. Mitra has done that already. She has interviewed many leading entrepreneurs and drawn out their strategies step by step in her series, Entrepreneur Journeys.

As a top consultant herself, Ms. Mitra went deep. From an idea to exit. Limited funds . . . How did they bootstrap? No customers . . .  How did they get that first customer? She has captured all that and more.

It took years to assemble these stories of survival and success. Now, you and I can zip through them in a matter of hours and copy what applies to us.

I read them several times. I underlined. I wrote in the margins. Try that; if you are a true entrepreneur, you’ll gain instant, actionable advice right there.

Have thoughts to share after reading? Call me at 786-301-2456 or Skype: irina_patterson and we’ll discuss your own situation.

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