

Entrepreneur: How Long Should You Work For FREE?

Posted on Tuesday, Jan 10th 2012

By guest author Irina Patterson

Have you seen this? Entrepreneurs labor for years on their ideas and can’t sell their products because they have no customers.

They essentially work for free, drawing on their savings or their family and friends’ support.

Years of working for free could be devastating for anyone. At the very least, we all need to cover our basic living expenses.

We created 1M/1M to address this pain. We do not want entrepreneurs to work for free for years. When you join 1M/1M, even if you are starting from zero, we expect you to start generating revenues in a matter of months.

If you want to end “working for free” faster, you just have to work harder through the steps of the program. 1M/1M will guide you as fast as you want to go. Just do the work.

1M/1M is designed with the objective of shortening the cycles. From an idea to your first customer. From paid customers to channel partners. We guide you on how to maximize your revenues and minimize the waste of time and resources.

At 1M/1M, if you are not getting revenues in a few months, you need to revamp your idea, and 1M/1M will assist you with that, too.

Working for free, or almost for free, for years on end is nothing to be proud of. When you are developing a business, please minimize your “no revenue stage” to a few short months.

I don’t know any faster way to do that other than by joining 1M/1M. If you know how it can be done faster, share with me, and we’ll discuss.

I can be reached in U.S. at 786-301-2456 or on Skype: irina_patterson

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This segment is a part in the series : Entrepreneur

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