

Marty Nemko

Posted on Wednesday, Jan 18th 2012

Marty Nemko’s mother claims that he could read the New York Times at age 3 and that his reading comprehension in the first grade was at the 12th grade level. That’s either the exaggerations of a Jewish mother or the first sign of what was to come.

Today, Nemko is among the nation’s most sought-after experts on both career and education issues. He has been interviewed by hundreds of major media, including “The Today Show,”  NPR’s “Talk of the Nation,” the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Time magazine, and Cosmopolitan.

Described as a “career coach extraordinaire” by U.S. News,  Nemko has just published his sixth book How to Do Life: What they didn’t teach you in school. More than 1,000 of his published columns and articles are free on

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