

Strong Entrepreneurs vs. Weak Entrepreneurs

Posted on Wednesday, Jan 18th 2012

By guest author Irina Patterson

Which kind of entrepreneur do you want to be?

Great entrepreneurs always find the time to study even when they are very busy. They find the time to fill the gaps in their knowledge of how to build a business.

Weak entrepreneurs keep doing the same thing over and over again. They repeat the same mistakes that thousands of others have made before them and in doing so put themselves out of business.

At 1M/1M, we are trying to make it time and cost efficient for you to plug the gaps in your knowledge.

However, you will need to do the work to reap the benefits of the program.

Any questions on how 1M/1M can help you become stronger? I can be reached at 786-301-2456 or on Skype: irina_patterson

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