

How To Achieve Great Media Coverage For Your Incubator

Posted on Thursday, Jan 19th 2012

By guest author Irina Patterson

Who doesn’t appreciate great PR? It leads to brand recognition and more business.

Let me use a case study to explain how simple it is with 1M/1M. One of our partners, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT, KGP), held a custom roundtable with us in January 2012.

Note that Sramana Mitra, who runs 1M/1M, is in Silicon Valley. IIT KGP is based in Kharagpur, India. So, how did we conduct this roundtable?

Here’s how.

IIT KGP selected five entrepreneurs to pitch their businesses to Sramana virtually, using WebEx. All five registered to pitch here.

During the event, Sramana was at her office in Silicon Valley. Entrepreneurs were in India. Despite the long distance, the discussion was engaging and deep and many strategic issues were addressed. Sramana promptly recapped the discussion here on her blog.

As soon as Sramana’s recap went up, many technology sites syndicated Sramana’s story. Here’s an example of the same story on ReadWriteWeb, one of the largest technology blogs in the world.

Would you like to achieve this kind of media coverage for your incubator?

We can make your event just as successful, as we’ve done with IIT Kharagpur and other partners.

Just call me and we’ll get started. I can be reached on Skype at irina_patterson or in the U.S. at +1 786-301-2456

Note: The 1M/1M team has invested significant resources to engage with and understand the challenges of the incubator industry around the globe. You can sign up for our opt-in mailing list to get this information via email on an ongoing basis.

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