

SAP Startup Focus – 1M/1M Scholarships

Posted on Thursday, Apr 18th 2013

Entrepreneurs developing products and services on the SAP HANA platform are reminded to submit their completed applications soon. Through this application process, twelve scholarships to One Million by One Million (1M/1M) – valued at $1000 for the annual membership fee – will be awarded by SAP to provide extensive incubation support to entrepreneurs developing products and services on HANA. This effort launches a new partnership between SAP Startup Focus and 1M/1M, a virtual incubation program that will work closely with scholarship winners for one year to help their ventures achieve their potential.

You can find the application form here.

You can learn more about the application process here.

SAP Startup Focus works with a growing portfolio of high potential, big-data startups to enable their market success with their solutions running on SAP HANA. HANA is a high speed, in memory, real-time, database platform. SAP HANA works with all applications, whether they are from SAP or not.

For those not already familiar with 1M/1M, ROI analysis of the 1M/1M program  is available, outlining the different vectors along which we provide value: curriculum, mentoring / consulting, PR, business development, peer group networking, investor introductions, etc. Also, check out the 1M/1M Million Dollar Club, a list of entrepreneurs who have already reached $1M+ annual revenue. And a cool short video: 1M/1M vs YCombinator.

Best of luck to all!

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