This is REALLY exciting!
As you know, we’ve been working with many partners around the world over the last year.
This has helped us develop an informed perspective on the need for a scalable incubation system that our partners can use easily, affordably, seamlessly to launch their own incubators, with our help, anywhere in the world, but with deep ties into Silicon Valley.
And now, we present the 1M/1M Incubator-in-a-Box, a new program to support partners in how to start a business incubator.
The 1M/1M Incubator-in-a-Box costs $1000 per entrepreneur per year. 1M/1M does not take any equity, making us the most entrepreneur- and investor- friendly incubator program on the planet (most incubators take 5-10% equity). The ROI we deliver is equivalent to $375k + 5-10% Equity per entrepreneur.
So whether you are a technology company, platform vendor, media company, angel, VC or EDO, we’re here to work with you. Incubators and Accelerators are also welcome to use the program, as are schools, governments and banks.
Here are the steps:
Let us know when you would like to talk. Starting an incubator has never been easier.