

Thought Leaders in Mobile and Social: Qstream CEO Duncan Lennox (Part 4)

Posted on Thursday, Jun 25th 2015

Sramana Mitra: Where are the open problems in your space? If you were starting out a company today, where would you look?

Duncan Lennox: Are you defining the space as enterprise or mobile?

Sramana Mitra: You can define it in whatever way that feels comfortable to you. Just listening to you, I’m curious about what you see in sales empowerment.

Duncan Lennox: There’s a fascinating number of areas. The reality is when you look at the impact of mobile, we’re still barely scratching the surface. We’re bringing together the mobile component. We’re leveraging gamification, which we’ve talked about already. We’re also leveraging Big Data. When you bring those three together, I think you’ll get a very powerful set of tools that allows you to approach problems in a very different way. The really interesting components that comes in on top of that is looking at the brain science aspect of things.

Our heritage is coming out of Harvard Medical School. The origin of what we do very much comes out of the latest neuroscience and psychology research. For the first time in the last 10 years, we’re starting to understand more about how neural physiological processes work in the brain. When we look at learning and behavior change, or driving performance, we’re able to now not just look at what appears to work over time, but we can actually look at how we now know the brain works and can we work with that instead of working against that.

An example of that is when somebody learns something through Qstream. Let’s say we’re dealing with someone in consultative selling. Using FMRI technology to look inside somebody’s brain, we can see that if they learn it by the Qstream method, it lights up a different part of their brain. Even though it’s the same information, it gets stored differently in a way that makes it easier to retrieve simply by using a different method. I think that’s so counter-intuitive. You’d never think that. You’d assume that the way you learn something had nothing to do with how it got stored in your brain, but it turns out, that’s not true at all. We’re learning now more about how the brain works. That means a lot of processes – not just learning and training. We can start to actually align more with how our brain naturally processes things rather than working against it.

This segment is part 4 in the series : Thought Leaders in Mobile and Social: Qstream CEO Duncan Lennox
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