

Thought Leaders in Cyber Security: Rich Kahn, CEO of eZanga (Part 3)

Posted on Monday, Jun 29th 2015

Rich Kahn: In addition, we’ve got somewhere around 3,000 plus unique sources of traffic coming in on our network. We’re monitoring every one of those sources and every single click coming into the network. There’s about two billion queries coming into the network. We use predictive analytics to identify a source’s likelihood to convert. This is pretty unique. What it does is when traffic comes in, we eliminate anything that’s fake, so we know that the traffic that gets to our clients is real. That’s step one.

Step two is what is that traffic good for. Is it just window shoppers who are just browsing the Internet to look at different things? That’s great for branding type of campaigns. Then we have people who are spending money and buying things. That’s more of our premium network where people are focused on spending money and interacting.

If my wife is getting scanned by our system, she’s going to be on the premium site because she spends the money. I do the research, so I’m more of the branding client. A good traffic source for the right type of people, but ultimately, we have to know the behavior of the click because that’s more important to us than any analytics that you can put behind it.

Just to give you an example, we work with one of the largest third-party click validator companies in the world. Recently, they were acquired by another company. We’ve seen traffic that they’ve scored both on our side and the client side scored really well. Yet the client brought us a very simple behavior test that they put on their site, which showed that it wasn’t real traffic. That third-party source of traffic that was actually creating traffic, even though they did all kinds of Big Data analytics of everything that came through their network, they were missing behavior of the traffic which ultimately led to their equation being wrong. These are the kinds of things that are important to look at. How is traffic created?

Ultimately, it’s behavior. Behavior dictates the majority of what we look at today. Each day, as we put new filters in place, we’re focusing on what are we doing to make sure that when we make a change, does it help our client’s conversion rates to go up, down, or remain the same. Ultimately, that’s what makes the most sense to us. The client pays the bills and we want to make sure that we’re keeping them happy.

This segment is part 3 in the series : Thought Leaders in Cyber Security: Rich Kahn, CEO of eZanga
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