Sramana Mitra: What scale are you at now? How big a company are you now?
Rich Kahn: There’s about 40 of us in the company. We’ve been in the same building now for probably seven years. Our first building was small. We outgrew it quickly and built a much bigger building.
Sramana Mitra: Are you a $10 million dollar company, $50 million dollar company, or $100 million dollar company?
Rich Kahn: Depending on the year, we’re between $8 million and $10 million.
Sramana Mitra: Where are you located?
Rich Kahn: We’re in Delaware.
Sramana Mitra: The last question I have is the 30,000-foot level question. What are the key trends in your industry and what are the open problems that you recommend new entrepreneurs to look into?
Rich Kahn: Stepping back and looking from 30,000 feet, one thing that we’ve seen is that banks have gotten real tough on their fraudulent activities. It’s made it much more difficult for fraudsters to commit frauds with banks. A lot of those people’s skills started migrating in the last couple of years into the online advertising world because they feel it’s easier to make money this way than it is to try to hack credit cards, bank accounts, and things like that. You see this big shift with these fraudulent developers moving into this space.
Hence, we’re in a situation where billions of dollars a year are being chewed up by these developers. Moving forward, I don’t see that changing other than just getting more and more intense. There’s going to be a strong need for people to be able to identify this fraudulent traffic and eliminate it as a service to clients. People are always going to need advertising and you want to make sure that the advertising that people are buying is clean. We have competitors in the space who have gotten as much as $50 million in funding to do just that. I don’t see that going away anytime soon. Google spent $200 million last year picking up three companies that do exactly what we do today. There’s definitely an interest.
Sramana Mitra: Great. Thank you for your time.
This segment is part 5 in the series : Thought Leaders in Cyber Security: Rich Kahn, CEO of eZanga
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