

Building Significant Revenue with Inbound Marketing from Israel: Pepperi CEO Ofer Yourvexel (Part 7)

Posted on Sunday, Jul 5th 2015

Sramana Mitra: You have a lot of customers. You said you have customers in 50 countries. Does that mean that you also have customers in accounts that could become much larger because you already had started penetrating these accounts? You have small footprints in those accounts that can be grown to much larger value accounts.

Ofer Yourvexel: Sure. I have several examples for that actually. A good example is Brammer. It’s a company with 750 users around Europe. They started in the UK. They moved over to Germany with almost 100 users. They have plenty to continue on.

Sramana Mitra: When you got this company, they came in to you through this inbound marketing process?

Ofer Yourvexel: Yes. That is the way it started. When we started three years ago, we didn’t have what they needed. We developed it together with them. There were no products like this back then. We promised them that we would adhere to certain standards that they need because they are traded. Now, we are certified for the ISO and the ICE. These companies cannot work with a cloud-based company without certain certifications.

Just to add to what you were saying, our churn is negative. When you measure the amount of new sales that we have every month from existing customers versus customers that are leaving us, we have more growth than churn from those customers. Our customers are constantly growing. Our churn has been negative for the past 36 months.

Sramana Mitra: That’s great. So far, your company is entirely built out of Israel. You run the whole company from Israel?

Ofer Yourvexel: The big majority. I do have one lady in Australia. We do have a sales office that we just established in the US right now.

Sramana Mitra: Why Australia?

Ofer Yourvexel: It’s both an opportunity with a lady that I knew together with the fact that we saw growth there. It’s proven to be the right thing. It’s more than two years now and it’s growing tremendously. Also, Australians are very open to new technologies and buying remotely.

Sramana Mitra: How many people do you have in the company?

Ofer Yourvexel: Right now, 50.

Sramana Mitra: How does that distribute in terms of engineering, sales, and marketing? What’s the composition of the organization?

Ofer Yourvexel: All in all, we have 10 people in marketing and sales, 20 in engineering, 10 people in success support, and 5 in admin. We support our customers 6 days a week, 24 hours a day. Because we support customers from all over the world, we support 13 different languages including knowledge-based. We are spread all over the world in terms of our support.

Sramana Mitra: What else do you want to add? I’ve got your story. It’s very good. You’ve executed very nicely and very efficiently.

Ofer Yourvexel: I think the most important thing is the people – the people that you are bringing on board. The critical part in the beginning is engineering. The second part, later on, is sales and marketing. But if you don’t bring in the right people, you will not be successful. Your relationship with your investors is extremely important, obviously to build trust. This is what I can share. Build trust with everyone.

Sramana Mitra: It’s been very nice talking to you. Thank you.

This segment is part 7 in the series : Building Significant Revenue with Inbound Marketing from Israel: Pepperi CEO Ofer Yourvexel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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