

Thought Leaders in Cloud Computing: David Schmaier, CEO of Vlocity (Part 5)

Posted on Friday, Sep 18th 2015

Sramana Mitra: Essentially in all these large telecom accounts, what you’re replacing is Siebel?

David Schmaier: No, it’s amazing to me that the prior product we built is still the market share leader. We replace Amdocs. We replace custom-built. I would actually say that custom-built is probably our biggest competitor. It’s hard to believe but in the year 2015, people are still trying to build these stuff themselves.

Sramana Mitra: Let’s do another industry sector.

David Schmaier: Let me take on insurance. In the cloud, you can not only serve the large companies, but also the medium-sized. ABD Insurance who’s a top 100 insurance broker in America is a client. They sell all different lines of insurance across multiple carriers. They’re using Salesforce. They’re liking it but not getting the value that they were hoping for because they just couldn’t do all the things they wanted to do with Salesforce. We came in and deployed Vlocity Insurance. We deployed this in 45 days. That’s how fast you can do things in the cloud. We put this on top of their Salesforce implementation and we connected them to the back office system, which is a very powerful system called Vertafore.

Today, they have a single view of their customers across what they say is their book of business. I can bring out your customer records and say, “You have home owners, but you don’t have auto and health.” I can see where the white spaces are. If you call in with a claim against one of those insurance policies, I can do that all within Salesforce and Vlocity. That’s a great example of what Vlocity Insurance does. It allows them to provide better service. It allows them to increase their net promoter score. It allows them to do more with their Salesforce platform. It avoids this concept of swivel chair where I log into Salesforce, and then I have to log into this back office system. Now, they just log into Salesforce to do all their work. That’s a great insurance example.

In government, we have a number of government agencies in New York City using our software for health and human services case management. The idea here is if you go in for food stamps or as part of a healthy start program, you might be entitled to certain benefits. If you’re a single mother, maybe you’re entitled to certain welfare benefits or child support. The way that works today with most government agencies is you go in and fill out a lot of paper forms. What we do is we put it all in the cloud. Now, the workflow is all done in the cloud. It allows governments to serve their citizens better. It allows better citizen entitlement and enablement with less workers. You’re basically providing higher levels of service at a lower cost.

This segment is part 5 in the series : Thought Leaders in Cloud Computing: David Schmaier, CEO of Vlocity
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