Sramana Mitra: Very interesting. How big is your company? How many people do you have?
Robin Smith: I have over 20,000 agents in our database nationwide. We only use around 65 to 6,800 of those on an ongoing basis, but we do have quite a few people interested in working for us. In my corporate office headquarters, I have 71 employees now.
Sramana Mitra: What do the 71 employees do? Functionally, how does that organization operate?
Robin Smith: We have a front end where customers, whether individuals or enterprise clients, are able to talk with their account representative. I have people that work directly with customers. Then I have a fulfillment team. Those are the people who are responsible for making sure that we have the looker who is weighted best for the task. Let’s say we receive an order for an auto inspection. The platform looks for the agent closest to that vehicle that has auto experience. They will send out a notification to them first. Let’s just say that the customer gave us the wrong phone number and we can’t reach the on-site contact. We turn everything around within two to three business days.
The fulfillment team’s job is they make sure that the orders are flowing through and that things are going smoothly. If they don’t go smoothly, then they work on making sure that it runs smoothly. We also have a QA department for all the data that is submitted to us from the looker. Our quality assurance team makes sure that the photos weren’t taken when it was too dark. They also make sure that the reports are of quality before we send it back to the customer. Of course, we have a development team – my CTO and his development team. We have one Android developer. We have one iOS developer and several mid-level software developers. We have administration and accounting. I have my CFO and COO. I got all that going on. That makes up our whole team.
Sramana Mitra: You wanted to talk about the mobile app. Let’s talk about that next.
Robin Smith: I think this is the part that makes it really fantastic. Not only does our platform easily make these dynamic changes for these customers. Let’s say that you tell me, “Robin, I want you to go look at pine trees tomorrow. I want you to take 10 pictures. I want you to look at the tree trunk and answer five questions about the tree.” I could put that into the platform and it will automatically create this mobile app that’s basically your custom mobile app. All of my lookers will be out in the field tomorrow with these orders on their phone with all those questions you have about the tree and the photos you want with the tree. It’s all done through my software. It’s pushed out. Not only do I have this mobile app, I also have this labor force to complete this data capture for you. It gives you this mobility and this flexibility to customize whatever you need done.
This segment is part 6 in the series : Bootstrapping From Oklahoma: Robin Smith, CEO of WeGoLook
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