As I started analyzing various paths to success via bootstrapping, a second formula also became absolutely obvious: doing services projects and then formulating a product through that process. We gave this a name: Bootstrapping with Services, and published a book on the subject:
Entrepreneur Journeys Bootstrapping Using Services (Available for order from Amazon Kindle)
Over 99% of entrepreneurs who seek financing get rejected. The seed capital gap leaves many entrepreneurs struggling to get their businesses off the ground. Bootstrapping, a tried and true method to self-fund a business, is a must to bridge this gap in seed funding. And offering a service is one of the best ways to bootstrap.
Bootstrapping Using Services, the eighth volume of Sramana Mitra’s Entrepreneur Journeys book series, turns the spotlight on entrepreneurs who have successfully bootstrapped their ventures using services, and in many cases, raised venture capital. As an entrepreneur, writer and founder of the One Million by One Million (1Mby1M) global virtual incubator, Sramana gives readers a seat at the table with eight successful entrepreneurs during her in-depth interviews. She synthesizes what is learned in this inspiring and educational book for everyone looking to take their business concepts to the next level. You can order the book here.
Below are five case studies on the topic that you can read on the 1Mby1M blog:
This segment is a part in the series : Best of Bootstrapping