

Bootstrapping Course: Bootstrapping vs. Venture Capital

Posted on Friday, May 8th 2020

Some business ideas are not fundable. This is where bootstrapping comes in. Learn how bootstrapping is fundamentally different than financing or venture capital.

If you are enjoying this course, check out 1Mby1M Basic, our curriculum-only option.

The 1Mby1M Curriculum has over 1000 case studies of real-life success stories. 

If you’re trying to assess why you’re getting rejections, use the 1Mby1M Self-Assessment.

We support your fund-raising efforts through personal introductions to investors.

Our mantra is, “Do not go to investors as beggars, go as kings.” You can study our Udemy course, Bootstrap First, Raise Money Later with Sramana Mitra to learn more.

This segment is a part in the series : Bootstrapping Course

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