

Bootstrapping Course: Tackle Myths That Get in the Way

Posted on Friday, May 8th 2020

Two myths are tackled in our Udemy courses:

Don’t “Dream” – Establish Traction

If you have dreams of getting to millions of users, you need to think pragmatically about how you will meet this goal. Learn a series of questions Sramana uses to evaluate ideas.

Build It – Don’t PowerPoint It

Many ideas die in the presentation stage. Unlike times past, ideas no longer are funded without proven traction. It’s time to move from presenting your idea to building your minimum viable product.

Know the difference between a business model and an exit strategy

Building a company to a sustainable level takes a detailed approach to the execution of the idea. Learn the difference between a business model, a business plan, and an exit strategy.

If you are enjoying this course, check out 1Mby1M Basic, our curriculum-only option.

The 1Mby1M Curriculum has over 1000 case studies of real-life success stories. 

If you’re trying to assess why you’re getting rejections, use the 1Mby1M Self-Assessment.

We support your fund-raising efforts through personal introductions to investors.

This segment is a part in the series : Bootstrapping Course

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