

Rendezvous Online Recording: May 5, 2020

Posted on Friday, May 8th 2020

Some audience questions answered by Sramana:
– Which segments of the economy should be opened up / kept open during the Covid-19 lockdown?
– Has COVID-19 changed your opinion on Universal Basic Income?
– When will the COVID-19 virus end?
– Do you think the Covid-19 lockdown will continue through May?
– Who is still mentoring entrepreneurs during the Covid-19 quarantine?
– One positive outcome in Covid-19 lockdown was working from home that results in less traffic congestion, free of pollution. Will this be sustainable in the future post coronavirus?
– What are your top five predictions on the after effects of the Corona virus in America and Europe?
– Why is Bootstrapping to Exit important in the context of SaaS and Paas?
– Can you discuss some Bootstrapping to Exit case studies?
– How can I get feedback from you on my venture?

This segment is a part in the series : Rendezvous Online Recording

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