

Bootstrapping Course: Benefits of Bootstrapping

Posted on Tuesday, May 12th 2020

Bootstrap First, Raise Money Later

There are many benefits to bootstrapping first and raising money later. This is something you should build into your thinking as you build your business. Don’t go to venture capital firms as beggars; go as kings.

There is a myth in the startup eco-system that solopreneurs do not succeed. In our Udemy course, How To Succeed As A Solo Entrepreneur with Sramana Mitra, this myth is proven untrue by the inspiring accomplishments of several solo founders.

If you are enjoying this course, check out 1Mby1M Basic, our curriculum-only option.

The 1Mby1M Curriculum has over 1000 case studies of real-life success stories. 

If you’re trying to assess why you’re getting rejections, use the 1Mby1M Self-Assessment.

We support your fund-raising efforts through personal introductions to investors.

This segment is a part in the series : Bootstrapping Course

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