Wovenware is a Puerto Rico-based AI solutions company working in Computer Vision and Insight Management.
Sramana Mitra: Let’s start by having you introduce yourself as well as Wovenware.
Carlos Melendez: I am an entrepreneur, husband, and dad based in Puerto Rico. I am the founder of Wovenware. It is an AI and software development company based in Puerto Rico. We help customers who are in the middle of a transformation or change using technology.
Sramana Mitra: Specifically, what kind of technology are you involved in?
Carlos Melendez: We work with a variety of customers each with a variety of problems, but they usually have some things in common. The majority of our customers are regulated industries that require specific rules for security and data protection or are looking to implement emerging technology.
For example with AI, we have created a unique group of data scientists that can create predictive analytics algorithms based on a library of algorithms that we have already created for different problems.
These problems range from object detection and imaging to term analysis for customers that want to predict which customers are going to be needing their services.
Sramana Mitra: Are you a professional services company?
Carlos Melendez: We believe that we are a hybrid model. We are a services company, but we also offer our products and solutions.
Sramana Mitra: What area do you have core products and technology in?
Carlos Melendez: We have core technology for chatbot integration and intelligence projects. We also have core technology for computer vision. We do a lot of research on customer vision problems, particularly in the area of object detection and images.
Sramana Mitra: Is your company completely in Puerto Rico?
Carlos Melendez: We have a subsidiary in California and we have a couple of employees there. The majority of our employee base is in Puerto Rico. We have approximately 125 employees in Puerto Rico. The subsidiary in California has three employees.
Sramana Mitra: Let’s talk about what kind of use cases you have worked on in the computer vision area.
Carlos Melendez: The majority of use cases that we have worked on in the computer vision area are specific to object detection and images. We have done object detection on satellite images for defense work. We have also done object detection in lab images to identify and classify mosquitoes.
Sramana Mitra: Can you take specific customers and business problems to which you applied this kind of technology?
Carlos Melendez: We held a vector lab which is part of the Puerto Rico Science Trust. They have been tasked with the problem of finding ways to control the population of mosquitoes on the island.
That lab had placed thousands of traps all over the island. Every week they’d pick up the traps and analyze the mosquitoes trapped in there. They need to analyze the mosquitoes under a microscope, count the number of mosquitoes, and determine the species and sex of the mosquitoes.
We worked with the Science Trust to create a computer vision algorithm so that it could classify the mosquitoes automatically. We also created an algorithm to classify the sex of the mosquitoes and count the number of larvae in the traps so that they don’t have to go and count them manually.
This segment is part 1 in the series : Thought Leaders in Artificial Intelligence: Wovenware COO Carlos Melendez
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