Join us on Thursday, July 20, at 8:30 p.m. IST / 8 a.m. PDT for a special roundtable program: Brainstorming on Eastern India Startup Development. Come share your perspective, sign up to Speak and we will accommodate as many as possible with a few minutes to talk, register here. In case you missed it, you can listen to the recording of this roundtable here.
This weekend, I had hundreds of interactions on LinkedIn around the subject:
Why did Kolkata miss the startup momentum that has gained ground in the other 6 major metros? What can be done to catch up and leapfrog?
My original thought was to start with a strategy roundtable with members of the ecosystem.
However, such a rich discussion has already started on LinkedIn, I thought it best to capture and synthesize it here, and use it as a framework for the custom roundtable discussion.
If you are planning to participate in the upcoming custom roundtable, please study this blog series, and bring your thoughts to it. If you like, of course, please feel free to continue the dialog here on the 1Mby1M blog, or on LinkedIn.
I will be in Kolkata Oct 15-Nov 15, 2023. I look forward to meeting some of you in person to continue the discussion, and most importantly, get the actionable items moving.
In fact, actionable items are already moving through custom roundtables, and various kinds of collaborations.
This strategy document, even though it focuses on Kolkata, the seventh of the major metros in India, much of the thinking outlined here should resonate with and apply to the ecosystems in eastern India (Odisha, Assam, Bihar, the North eastern States) in general, as well Central India, Punjab, and most other geographies that are not yet on par with Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai. Jammu and Kashmir, Uttaranchal, Uttarakhand, Himachal and most of the beautiful Himalayan North could definitely use much of the same magic.
Let’s get started.
Photo Credit: shubhampandey567 from Pixabay
This segment is a part in the series : Startup Ecosystem in Kolkata