And this is my conclusion about AI-generated Art, Music, Poetry and Literature. AI can do something mechanically. Human beings experience the same creative process as a spiritual endeavor, something that AI cannot take away.
Thus, in post-work society, the spirituality of aesthetics, of creativity, of painting, singing, playing the piano will still remain a source of pleasure, joy, transcendence.
Notice, I have not mentioned Dance yet.
That is because dance falls in a category of even greater power and importance.
Dance is movement. Movement is good for well-being.
Dancing to music requires the brain to function with great agility. This kind of mental agility is excellent for mental well-being.
Dancing with another person, or a group of people has even more benefits of connection and community.
And all this is outside of the reach of Artificial Intelligence. Robots can dance all they want. Makes no difference.
Man and Superman can also dance.
In a post-work society, I believe, dance should be placed at the center of societal structure.
Just like our ancestors did when they assembled around the fire before human life started to become complicated.
This segment is part 7 in the series : Man and Superman: India's Prospects in the Age of AI
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