

Bibby Gignilliat

Posted on Friday, Aug 7th 2009

Bibby transformed a career in marketing at Williams-Sonoma, Inc. into an enormously satisfying career in professional cooking. She launched her formal training at Tante Marie’s Cooking School in San Francisco. She has taught cooking classes at HomeChef® and at Tante Marie’s and currently teaches at Sur La Table, Ramekins and Draeger’s. In 1999, Bibby founded Gourmet Gatherings®, which in 2006 became Parties That Cook. She has appeared on the Today Show, the Food Network and CNBC. Her company has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Better Homes & Gardens, Bon Appetit, Cooking Light, Gourmet Magazine, Southwest Airlines Magazine and Business 2.0. She recently authored Sumptuous Small Plates recipe deck and was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year by the Small Business Network in San Francisco and she received the Rising Star Entrepreneur Award from the National Association of Women Business Owners.

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