It turns out that both Jim Satloff and I happen to be Artificial Intelligence aficionados. What you read here is a discussion on Inform’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) based technology that attempts to create an interesting value proposition for publishers on the web. AI has been a notoriously difficult technology genre with big promises and relatively smaller actualization, except for the Search Engines. Let’s see if what Inform has to offer makes sense.
SM: Please describe your business value proposition and your product.
JS: Inform Technologies serves online publishers of all sizes, including the world’s largest and most sophisticated, to organize and present their content to maximize visitors, their user experience, and the monetization of that content.
All online publishers of any size are faced with the same three, basic challenges:
* attract new unique visitors
* compel readers to spend more time consuming their content, and viewing more pages of that content
* monetize the duration and page views of readers to as great a degree as possible
Of course the overarching aim is to achieve these three things as cost efficiently as possible.
Over the past 3 years, Inform has created an artificial intelligence, natural language processing engine, which allows us to understand every article or textual piece of content published on the web, and to find similar content, related to the topics or entities located in or implied by those articles.
The resulting user experience is one where readers are more fully informed and engaged about topics which are presented based upon contextual relevance, rather than as a search box result.
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
[Part 4]
[Part 5]
This segment is part 1 in the series : Jim Satloff & Neal Goldman's AI Engine, Inform
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