

12 Udemy Courses on How To Build a Startup While Working Full Time

Posted on Tuesday, Sep 28th 2021

Most adult professionals have jobs, families, and other responsibilities. People working in the tech industry have big salaries to forego if they want to start a company.

These courses are for ambitious folks who want to start a technology startup while working full-time. Having a job means your income doesn’t depend on the immediate success of your startup business. We call this method Bootstrapping with a Paycheck. This course will take you through the whole process with excellent case studies. To apply current discount coupons, click on the courses found HERE.

  1. Bootstrapping a Startup with a Paycheck with Sramana Mitra

Next, you may want to complete the following five courses to learn about bootstrapping techniques. 

  1. Bootstrap First, Raise Money Later with Sramana Mitra
  2. Bootstrapping a Startup with Services with Sramana Mitra
  3. How to Bootstrap Startups by Piggybacking with Sramana Mitra
  4. How to Bootstrap a Startup to Exit with Sramana Mitra
  5. How To Succeed As A Solo Entrepreneur with Sramana Mitra

After that, consider completing one or more of these five courses on how to approach the domain-specific issues of your venture.

  1. How to Build E-commerce Startups with Sramana Mitra
  2. Building a Two-Sided E-commerce Marketplace w/ Sramana Mitra
  3. How To Build AI Startups with Sramana Mitra
  4. How to Build Online Education Startups with Sramana Mitra
  5. How to Build Digital Health Startups with Sramana Mitra

Finally, consider this course for innovative startup ideas and the methodology of ideation. These ideas are based on our deep knowledge of startup entrepreneurship and decades of experience. Feel free to use and modify them in any way you wish.

  1. Startup Ideas for the Post Covid World with Sramana Mitra

You are thinking, “this is a lot!” Don’t be discouraged. Each of the courses can be completed in a few hours and you can finish the entire collection in a matter of weeks. It’s like getting a mini-MBA in entrepreneurship with tons of case studies and guest lectures from the who’s who of the tech startup world while holding on to your day-job.

Besides, once you acquire these courses, you’ll always have access to them whenever you need a refresher.

If you have any specific questions, come and see me at a 1Mby1M free roundtable. Learn what to expect from 1Mby1M.

P.S. We’re looking to partner with community leaders who write blogs, teach and mentor entrepreneurs, and help support startup ecosystems in every corner of the world, no matter how small or how remote. I have written about my own journey building startup ecosystems around the world, and how you can draw from my lessons from the trenches. If you’re interested in partnering with 1Mby1M, please consider joining our ambassador program.

Photo Credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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